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What is a Work-Family Balance?

What defines a "BALANCE"? Let's be literal, at least for a moment. Imagine mounting a balance beam for the first time. The trepidation, the slow steps, the hands out for balance, the wavering steps. There's not much you're able to do at first, and chances are good that the beam is pretty close to the ground (which is covered in cushioned mats) to prevent injuries when falling.

Now imagine Simone Boyles on the balance beam. Not only does she mount the beam with grace and dignity, but her movements are also fluid and graceful. In fact, she makes it seem effortless.

It's clear that the path to expertise is practice, practice, practice. But it's also known that not everyone can achieve that level of perfection.

Now, it's time to ask some questions:

  • Can the metaphor of a balance beam be applied to a work-life balance?

  • Is balance an end-goal?

  • Is the word "balance" a burden that is achievable?

To answer these questions, I'd like to reframe them. Instead of the idea of "balance" maybe we should look at it as a strategy to prioritize all the tasks and roles that are being juggled. Placing weighted importance on everything in our lives may potentially reduce our stress and give us more professional satisfaction.


"Balance" means that you're in the middle and the things that surround you bear equal and equivalent pressure. That is just not true. Balance is not likely to be observed moment to moment, it's more likely to observe balance over a long stretch of time.


Is it possible to enjoy what generates your paycheck? Is it possible to feel rewarded by your job? In an idyllic world, the answer would be yes. But if you don't get satisfaction from your work, then it's important to find a passion!! Whether it's a hobby, physical exercise, playing an instrument, spending time with your friends or family - find something that gives you spiritual energy.


Prioritizing your health - mental, physical, emotional - is the key to making you a better employee and a better person. Improved stamina and attitude are all positive results of focusing on your health and wellness.


If you're pulled in a multitude of directions, finding time to be self-oriented may be your biggest challenge. What does that look like? It may mean taking a day off work (don't worry, the walls won't collapse without you.) It may mean finding time alone, but with your partner. Stepping back, unplugging from technology, and communicating can be fulfilling methods to be self-focused and remember who and what you are.

So, is balance possible? Let me continue the theme of suggesting that balance is planting you in the exact middle with everything else orbiting around at an equal distance and equal speeds. But the reality is that the orbits are on different plains, with different needs and urgency.

Instead of balance, let's strive to get satisfaction from our work environments, let's aim for ensuring that you stay physically and emotionally healthy and remember to take a moment for yourself.

Cheers! Lisa

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