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Just Say, "NO?"

We have just been told to "shelter-in-place." It's officially a scary time. With elderly parents leaving just a short drive away, it's so challenging not to visit. But we're protecting them, right?

What will our future selves say one year from now, two years from now while we listened to the order to stay at home? When we unconditionally listened to the mask mandates? Will vaccinations come in the near future? We'll probably do that too.

What makes us compliant? What compels us to keep saying yes to the mandates? Will there come a time when isolation leaves us so depleted that we must break free of the bars and break the rules?

I am lucky to be sheltering in place with a family who loves puzzles, loves cooking and even gets along with each other!!

I am fortunate to have technology at my fingertips, which means I'll be working from home (unless I hear otherwise) and will not lose my income.

But I know that there are many who will enter this period of isolation alone, afraid and potentially at economic risk. When will we say "NO" to following the mandates. Should we say no?

And if you need help....reach out to me....I am happy to help with your needs!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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