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From Fluffy!

Let's face it...if you're reading my blog, you're facing some sort of exposure struggle. So, let's talk! Is your struggle situation specific? Is your struggle on-going?

Let's focus on what you can do to take your blog posts from fluffy!! How can you construct posts that are engaging, interesting, and give value?

1. Avoid LOOOOOOONG stretches of text.

If someone is reading from a phone, laptop, tablet, or any device, the best way to keep interested is to break up paragraphs into easily digestible amounts.


Because we've developed a nasty habit of skimming text. Small paragraphs, section headings, bulleted and numbered lists help the eyes scan and skim in a way to have our attention quickly drawn to what sparks our interest.

2. Use YOUR voice

You're the expert, right? So write about your expertise, your passion, even your interests. Learning something new? Let's hear about your journey. Struggling with something? Chances are good that others share your struggles. Sharing your obstacles, your fears, your learning curves are great ways to get feedback and to learn that you're not alone!

By using your professional (yet personable) style, I can learn about you. I can connect with you. I'll be more likely to come back again!

3. Give some instructions & don't forget to tell me about the pitfalls!

Are you a baby-whisperer? Tell me how YOU got your own baby to sleep. Do you love making sourdough? While I'd love to hear about it, I can pretty easily google it too. So how about you tell me about the time your sourdough failed?

If you're an expert, I'll listen to you, but because you also added your voice and your pitfalls, I'm more likely to TRUST you too! (Because I've already tried twice and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong) HELP.....

4. Do you like numbers? Use them!

  • Did you know that in 2013 the Huffington post started by publishing about one blog post every minute, that's about 2000 articles each day!

  • According to WordPress, about 70 million new posts appear each month

  • How many bloggers do you think there are in the world? Probably somewhere around 104 million!

Let's raise a glass and hope that this was just a tidbit of helping you make your blog posts more engaging and interesting! So....taking the old shampoo adage - Write. Edit. Repeat.



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